Foil hat cap

20.00 kr

  • EUR: €1.75

Now that the security situation is getting worse, it's good to be prepared! We at Foliehattsshoppen have everything for you to survive a UFO invasion!

Here is a hat, made with several layers of foil. It protects the top of your head which is exactly where the UFO attacks. It is fashion-conscious, which makes it perfect to wear discreetly around town. If you're lucky, it's not that hot, so you can hide it with a fabric hat.

1 in stock

SKU: foil hat_beanie


Now that the security situation is getting worse, it's good to be prepared! We at Foliehattsshoppen have everything for you to survive a UFO invasion!

Here we have a hat, made with several layers of foil. It effectively protects the top of your head, which is exactly where the UFO attacks. This hat is very fashion conscious with its slim fit, which makes it perfect to wear discreetly out on the town. If you're lucky, it's not that hot, so you can wear a fabric hat over it, so no one sees the foil hat.