The Case for Copyright Reform – Rick Falkvinge and Christian Engström

79.00 kr

  • EUR: €7.03

Piratpartiet's founder, Rick Falkvinge, and Piratpartiet's EU member of parliament, Christian Engström, have written a book about copyright, and how to reform it.

This bor is written in English.

123 in stock

SKU: WO_book_copyrightreform Category: Tags: ,


The book goes through the history behind copyright and shows what the problem with today's copyright is. Rick Falkvinge describes the book as follows:

This book is a compilation of my and Christian Engström's best articles on the copyright monopoly, edited into an easy-to-read book that gathers all the arguments in one place. We show the problems with today's situation and go through the history of the copyright monopoly, but also present a comprehensive proposal for solving the problems. The proposed solution is realistic and politically feasible, and has already been adopted as an official position by the Green Group in the EU Parliament.

This book is written in English.